
Doug Amlin, Amlin Analytics.

Principal & Founder

Doug grew up being in the outdoors in all kinds of weather. He lived next to a river and his earliest memories were of his dad taking him fishing along its banks. Days, and sometimes nights, were spent along or in the water. He was also introduced to hunting and recreational shooting. RV trips across the country, north and south, east and west, further deepened his respect for the outdoors and his love for his country. After high school, he joined the US Marine Corps to shoot stuff and blow stuff up. He spent close to three years deployed outside the United States doing just that, including serving in the First Gulf War.

While he was still serving and despite living in primitive conditions (to put it nicely), he still enjoyed his time outdoors. When he had the opportunity to start his own business, he decided to create a company that combined his extensive knowledge of analytics and his passion for the outdoors.

Doug received a BA in Anthropology from the University of Cincinnati and an MBA in Logistics and Management of Information Systems from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. He currently resides in Southeast Pennsylvania with his wife Diane and two kids, Mark and Rachel.

Focus on Small Businesses & The Outdoors

Doug started this journey over two years ago when a veteran mentor of his suggested he put thought into making a living on what he knows. Before he gauged the market, he assumed a vast number of companies were developing analytics and business intelligence programs. He started a feasibility study and was astounded to find out the mid-market ($100M – $3B in revenue) were just starting their analytics journey! That means the Small Business Market is roughly 20 – 25 years behind them.

Doug then decided the Small Business segment would be one of the focus areas, as he could bring immediate value to those types of companies. He also decided to add in his passion for the outdoors, combine the two, and address analytics and business intelligence for outdoor-oriented companies. It may seem lie a strange matchup, but he likes to fish, hunt, hike, camp and be outside. He can geekspeak and outdoorspeak in the same breath. And he will take the “Turn Data into Dollars” a step further- he means to turn your data into your $$$$!

But business intelligence and the outdoors aren’t the only things that got him here. After serving four years in the US Marine Corps (Infantry and Communications, First Gulf War), he experienced:

•  Surfing in California where the original Baywatch series was filmed.
•  Archaeological digging in the Grand Canyon.
•  Coaching his daughter in competitive softball.
•  Volunteering at charities, the Animal House Project & the Philadelphia Area Great Careers Group.
•  Participating in both the Greater Philadelphia Veterans Network and Bunker Labs Philadelphia.

Hello there, Let's talk.

Ask me how I can help tell your story with your data.